Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California

Photographing your one-of-a-kind moments in California



Fine Art Prints


I totally get it's hard to be honest in front of the camera, because we feel like it can be scrutinizing, pointing out the things we don’t want to see in ourselves. BUT it points out the truth as well. All the good of who you really are. That things may not be perfect and yet, here you are. It’s worth celebrating the beauty in that, don’t you think?

My wish for you

If you were coming into my home…

The girls (my golden retrievers) would be the first ones to welcome you in. I'd pour you a cup of coffee, if that’s your style. We'd plop down in my living room, me on the armchair and you on the couch. I have a million blankets to choose from so you can pick whichever one fits your fancy. Guards down, hearts at ease, and unrivaled comfy-ness. That's us.

Now, this is where I’d tell you the real deal about photography, while we sip… 

meet allie

Coming home to yourself

Growing up, I always dreamed of what it would be like to be older, cooler, and “have it all together.” And as the years went on I became so preoccupied with perfection and becoming “complete”, that I was bypassing the wholeness of life’s experiences. Don’t worry though, my heart eventually caught up to my mind upon rediscovering the art of capturing a true moment in photography.

It made me want to live in the here-and-now. To reconnect with life as it is. 

Little Allie was creative and determined (and a little bit sassy). She was already everything I wanted to be. And I just needed to make my way back home to her.

And although you're on the other side of the lens, I promise you the same experience.

I'll give you images that bring you back home to yourself every time you look at them.

My gift to you!

Sign up below to receive my Top 5 Tips for Creating More Authentic Personal Images



Fine Art Prints


Photographing your one-of-a-kind moments in California